The Conference Agenda

Hotel International, Zagreb

September 12, 2023

07.45-08.20      Registration

08.30-09.00    Opening address

09.00-09.30      Coffee break

09.30-11.00      Plenary Debate 1: Future Cohesion Policy Challenges and Possibilities

11.00-11.30       Presentation of the High-Level Reflection Group’s work, Normunds Popens and Ana Maria Dobre, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy

11.30-12.00       Presentation of the Questionnaire results, Iva Novak, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds

12.00-13.15       Lunch break

13.15-14.45       Plenary Debate 2: The Role of Regional and Local Level in Cohesion Policy post 2027

14.45-15.00       Coffee break

15.00-16.30      Plenary Debate 3: Socio-economic Challenges in Modern Times of Technological Development

15.00-16.30     Future elements of cohesion policy after 2027 – Workshop

Note: working language is Croatian and no interpretation will be provided.

20.00-22.30      Gala dinner (hotel International, Zagreb)


September 13, 2023

09.00-10.30      Plenary Debate 4: The Future of Cohesion Policy through the Eyes of the „Insiders“

10.30-11.00      Coffee break

11.00-12.00       Conclusions

12.00-13.30      Lunch and end of the event


Note: Working language of the conference will be Croatian. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English language and from English to Croatian. Please note that interpretation is not provided for the Workshop foreseen for September 12 from 15.00-16.30 which will be in Croatian language.

The program is subject to change.



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