The Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, as the Coordinating Body for EU Funds in the Republic of Croatia, is organizing a high-level event titled “Cohesion Policy post 2027 Conference” with the aim of forming a national position on Cohesion Policy after 2027.
The mentioned event will bring together representatives of management and control bodies of Cohesion Policy funds, representatives of civil society, local, regional and national level, scientific research institutions and youth, as well as high-ranking representatives of the European Commission and other relevant European institutions.
The Conference will encompass plenary discussions and workshops that will focus on a number of important specific topics of national interest related to strengthening regional resilience, investment decentralization and increasing the efficiency of the use of Cohesion Policy funds. Furthermore, the representatives of European institutions will present the opinions and views on the future of Cohesion Policy after 2027, following the introduction of new EU instruments and policies in the context of numerous global challenges.
Bearing in mind the importance of the Cohesion Policy as the main traditional European policy reducing social, economic and territorial inequalities between member states and their regions, and the fact that it has been the main investment policy in the Republic of Croatia for years, we believe that the Conference will serve as an additional incentive for future cooperation and exchange of experiences between all involved parties, with the aim of securing significant financial resources in the framework of Cohesion Policy funds in the future.