OP Efficient Human Resources

European Social Fund is one of the main structural instruments of the EU, which enables the member states to invest in human capital and strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy. The activities financed by the European Social Fund help beneficiaries improve their skills and integrate within the labour market. They are aimed at fighting poverty and social exclusion, as well as at improving the efficiency of public administration.

Objectives of the programme: contributing to employment growth and strengthening of social cohesion in Croatia, through investing in four main areas: measures for supporting sustainable and quality employment, ensuring adequate harmonisation of knowledge and skills with the labour market needs, activities related to social inclusion, as well as support to the public administration (development of e-administration etc.)

The value of the Operational programme Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020 totals to EUR 1.85 billion, of which 1.58 billion is financed by European Social Fund.

The main goal of this Operational programme is contributing to job creation and strengthening of social cohesion in Croatia. With that purpose, four main areas, or priority axes, have been defined:

This operational programme encompasses four main investment areas:

High employability and labour mobility

This axis aims at reducing unemployment, higher employability, reintegration of unemployed persons into the labour market through active labour market policy measures, stimulating competitiveness on the labour market, strengthening the employment capacity of the Croatian Employment Service, increasing the adaptability of SMEs and crafts by transfer of professional entrepreneurial knowledge and skills.

Beneficiaries: non-governmental organisations, units of local and regional self-government, non-profit organisations, public institutions, private institutions, organisations that deal in employment mediation, private companies, local and regional development agencies, cooperatives and international (intergovernmental) organisations, social partners, chambers, SMEs, social enterprises, local and regional partnerships. 

Social inclusion

  • supporting socially vulnerable groups that are in an unfavourable position regarding employment; 
  • developing social services within a community which contribute to overall employability;
  • improving employment possibilities, as well as promoting harmonisation of work and family life through developing new and improving the quality of existing social services within a community

Beneficiaries: non-governmental organisations, non-profit organisations, public institutions, private institutions, private companies, units of local and regional self-government, local and regional development agencies.

Education and lifelong learning

  • ncreasing investments in human capital through development and implementation of human potential development policy;
  • improving the efficiency and quality of the educational and training system in accordance with the labour market needs;
  • increasing the participation level in lifelong learning, accessibility to lifelong learning;
  • improving human capital in research in development

Beneficiaries: kindergartens, primary schools, high schools, institutions of higher education (universities, university components, polytechnics, two-year colleges, regardless of the ownership), pupil/student associations, educational centres for children/pupils/students with disabilities, non-governmental associations, public institutions in charge of development/implementation of educational policies, research institutes, units of local and regional self-government, employers’ associations, trade unions and other relevant non-governmental organisations, including student organisations.

Good governance

  • strengthening the role of civil society organisations for socio-economic growth and democratic development 

Beneficiaries: depending on open calls for proposals, civil society organisations or networks of civil society organisations registered as associations, employers’ associations, trade unions, foundations, legal persons within religious associations and social cooperatives may participate, there is also a possibility of participation for units of local and regional self-government, public institutions and international organisations in the role of partners.


Priorities of the operational programme and allocation

Distribution of EU Funds by priority axes
Priority axisESIF allocation (EUR)
High employment and labour mobility571.769.470
Social inclusion340.146.855
Education and lifelong learning 450.000.000
Smart administration179.130.089
Technical Assistance 80.000.000

– these sums represent 85% of the total amount for each axis
– the remaining 15% is financed through the Croatian state budget


Operational Programme management structure

Detailed information on the management structure for this operational programme and roles of individual bodies, as well as their names, are listed in the Regulation on the Bodies in the Management and Control System for the Use of European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund, and in relation to the Investment for growth and jobs goal.


Competent institution

Ministarstvo rada, mirovinskoga sustava, obitelji i socijalne politike

Ulica grada Vukovara 78, 10 000 Zagreb

info@mrosp.hr; kabinet@mrosp.hr



Uprava za upravljanje operativnim programima Europske unije

Koranska 2, 10000 Zagreb

tel: +385 1 647 2047




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